Our Vision

Our Vision

With a call from Psalm 78, Senior Pastors Ed & Michele Carter launched Valley Church in April 2007. Our desire is to empower you to fulfil all that God has for you and all He has called you to be. We believe that church should be a home for everyone, no matter who they are or where they've come from. We long to empower the new generation to continually direct the future of God’s Church.

Creating a Home to Empower a New Generation

Our Mission

Our Mission

In Matthew 22, Jesus gave us the greatest commandment: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind [and] love your neighbour as yourself." We believe all Christians should live this out daily as they grow in their relationship with God.

Love God, Love Life, Love People

Our Purpose

Our Purpose

Our Purpose Statement

The purpose statement for Valley Church is “to reach a new generation for Christ and connect them with other Christians. To help them grow in their faith and empower them to discover their ministry, and worship God with every heartbeat and every breath."

The Church We See...

Is a home for all, where people of any generation, age, race and background are welcomed, valued and loved.

It’s a place where each and every person can encounter God and find Jesus as Saviour, Lord and Friend.

Ours is a house of hope, where the broken and hurting can find love, healing and restoration as they fix their eyes on Jesus, as they build their lives on His Word, discovering in Him amazing grace, complete freedom and unlimited blessing.

The church we see is a place where all people who come are empowered and encouraged to reach their full potential in Christ, causing a generation to rise up, living fully alive and becoming all that God created them to be and purposed them to do; it’s a place where dreams are born and fulfilled.

We see a place where each one of us grows in our relationship with Jesus, empowered by the Holy Spirit to reflect more and more of His character, gaining a confidence that is born out of an unshakeable faith in each and every one of His promises.

It’s a place where there is a fierce passion, an all consuming belief, that together we can embark on adventures to build the kingdom of God and transform lives, families, communities, cities and nations for His glory.

The church we see is a place where everyone is released into their God-given leadership; where they are inspired, encouraged, resourced and released to impact all levels of society, living a generous life and therefore giving away that which cannot be kept, to enable others to gain that which cannot be lost.

It’s a place where the sound of the house is created, championed and set free to echo around the world.

The church we see is a place of influence, so large its heartbeat is felt across the nations, and yet within it, so small that all find a family.